Puppy Classes Terms and Conditions
Booking is only confirmed once payment has been received in full and a confirmation email has been received.
Payments should be made to Epsom Paws Dog walking, as soon as invoice is sent.
Bank account 37678368
Sort code 30-80-33
Reference – your name
The course consists of five weeks and cost £125 for the five weeks.
Please note that classes are non-refundable, unless there are exceptional circumstances which the trainer deem acceptable. If for any reason you are unable to attend, please contact us as soon as possible.
There will be no refunds if you decide to leave the course before the completion of the four weeks.
Missed classes are the responsibility of the owner and no refunds or additional classes will be provided.
Only puppies under 20 weeks old are allowed to take part in these classes.
The trainer reserves the right to make a final decision whether puppies are suitable for classes.
Puppies must have completed their vaccination course.
All puppy play will be managed and supervised in order to allow all puppies to have positive experiences.
All dogs must remain on lead when outside puppy pens and kept away from the other puppies unless specifically instructed by the trainer.
All instances of accident or injury must be reported to the trainer immediately.
We do not allow E-collars, choke chains, slip leads, head collars or flexi leads at our classes.
We promote only reward based, positive reinforcement training, so no harsh handling, lead pulling, tugging or any aversive methods (as deemed by the trainer) will be tolerated.
When attending classes please bring your puppy on a flat collar or/and, ideally, a harness.
All children must be under the supervision of a responsible adult, who must agree to prevent them from disturbing the process of learning during the class.
We make every effort to ensure safety of both clients and puppies during classes. By making a booking, you are accepting that participating in the course may pose a risk of injury to yourself and your dog, and you agree to indemnify Epsom Paws for all personal injury and property owned by you while attending the classes. You also agree to make any person who accompanies you aware of the above.
Please park sensibly. We will be not liable for any damage to your vehicle or loss from your vehicle whilst it is parked by the training venue.
Epsom Paws is fully insured for public liability claims with pet Business Insurance. A copy of this certificate is available upon request.
Please do not leave any litter behind (including poo bags) when you leave.